Production – Completion – Stimulation
Intervention – Well Integrity
I’m Piotr Wilczek freelance petroleum Engineer. I specialise in the disciplines: production, completion, stimulation, intervention and well integrity of onshore wells. My experience ranges from oil to gas wells in shallow and deep formations as well as salt dome caverns.
Throughout my career I’ve been in the field in as a “hand” as a supervisor and an engineer. I’ve been working together with people with a multitude of backgrounds and positions. I learnt that the most important value you can earn in the oil field is trust.
I’m dedicated to finding good engineering solutions throughout my work. For me good engineering is when you reach your goals with minimum effort or If you get the most out of your resources. I always try to live up to one of those principles.

Montanuniversität Leoben (MUL)
– Dipl. Ing. Petroleum Engineering, focus on Drilling Engineering, Master Thesis topic: “Benchmarking OMV’s Drilling Projects”
graduated October 2008 cum laude
– B. S. Petroleum Engineering, April 2007
Colorado School of Mines (CSM)
– M. S. Petroleum Engineering, focus on Drilling Engineering, dual degree program with Montanuniversität Leoben,
graduated December 2008
E&P Experience
Completion, Testing and Intervention Engineer, GDF SUEZ E&P Deutschland, Lingen
January 2011 – April 2015
I was designing well completions, drill-stem tests and well stimulations. My responsibility was to find a safe and sustainable way to deliver hydrocarbons to surface. To ensure this I was actively in discussion with reservoir and drilling engineers. I was challenged by management before budgets were approved. I was active in the procurement process and responsible for proper vendor selection. I verified my designs with WellCat and wrote work programs for our supervisors. I ensured that our projects were granted approval from German mining authorities. During operation I was on site and took over supervision on challenging work steps. While on site I was a “responsible person” as defined by the German Mining Law.
For GDF SUEZ I was working with different drilling and completion rigs, coiled tubing, slick- and E-line units. The wells ranged from shallow oil to deep gas wells as well as HP/HT exploration wells. All of those were onshore.
Within the completion department I developed a new information management structure. It included a reporting system and a document management system. For my fellow Completion Engineers I was the focal point in WellCat.
I was leading the German Young Professionals chapter of GDF SUEZ. I founded an annual YP Main Event that focused on networking and soft skills development and organized multiple networking events for the YPs with senior management.
Field Engineer, GDF SUEZ E&P Deutschland, Hamburg
April 2009 – December 2010
My main responsibilities were planning, organization and supervision of workover operations in a gas storage reservoir and a depleted oil field. I selected the technical approach, purchased necessary surface and downhole equipment, supervised the contractor at the rig site based on the requirements of the German Mining Law and enforced safety.
I was also in charge of surface engineering interventions. My responsibility included supervision of pipeline maintenance, renovation of old production sites as well as abandonment.
Software Skills
IWCF Certification:
Well Intervention Pressure Control, 2019 Level 4 Aberdeen Drilling School, Aberdeen
SPEC Certification:
SPE Petroleum Engineering Certification Program, issued on July 2016 (SPEC)
E&P Training:
Where Authorities Meet the Industry to Define Well Integrity (SPE Global Integrated Workshop Series)
Well Integrity – Cement Placement Evaulutaion (NEXT®)
Electrical Submersible Pumps – Application Engineering – Practical Traing (NEXT®)
Understanding and Optimizing Hydraulic Fractures (SPE)
Subsea Well Interventions (SPE)
Horizontal and Multilateral Wells: Completions and Stimulation (PetroSkills®)
Fluids Technologies for Filter Cake Clean-Up and Damaged Wells Remidiation (SPE)
Further Training:
Konfliktmanagement (Janus)
SelbstManagement und SelbstCoaching (Janus)
Emotionale Kompetenz (Janus)
SelbstManagement und Motivation (Janus)
Polish, mother tongue
German, fluent
English, fluent
French, basics
Awards and Achievements
Austrian Excellence Grant 2008
ProSciencia Grant 2007
President KHJ Leoben 2007
Long Distance (Ironman) Triathlon Finisher 2008 & 2010
Winner GDF SUEZ Innovation Trophy 2012
Tough Guy Finisher 2013

Piotr Wilczek
+49 (0) 151 5604 3322
+43 (0) 650 9159 833
piotr (at) wilczek (minus) ing (dot) de